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Weight Bias and FAT TALK

“FAT TALK” is talk that implicitly or explicitly reinforces the thin ideal standard of female beauty. According to Carolyn Costin, Medical Director of Monte Nido Treatment Center, research by Stice et al, 2003, shows that 3 – 5 minutes of FAT TALK significantly increases body dissatisfaction, a key risk factor for the development of eating disorders.

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Yoga on the Go

Traveling for work or pleasure can be challenging for anyone. Long flights, confined spaces, lots of walking and constant scheduling demands can create tired bodies, tight muscles and aching joints. Fortunately, there is a remedy that can go with you on your next journey: yoga.

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A Small Red Container

My background in this world of “prototype” making combined with mindfulness practices (yoga, meditation, flow in creative processes), eventually led me down an intriguing path where I began to use three-dimensional metaphors when working with clients. For instance rather than traditional business plan templates, I began using clay having clients turn ideas into clay models or metaphors. Often this exercise exposed something new, original and exciting.

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In Savor, world renowned Zen master Thich Nhat Hanh and Harvard nutritionist Dr. Lilian Cheung will guide you through the practice of uniting your body and mind in the present, in order that you may achieve your health and spiritual goals.

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Eating Mindfully at Work

When stress is experienced in the workplace, there is often a tendency to cope with this stress in the same way we cope with unwanted feelings, thoughts or experiences in other areas of our lives: by eating mindlessly. Bringing mindfulness into workplace experience can improve the quality of life ‘on the job’ regardless of what the job entails. Eating mindfully can become our path through work challenges and difficult situations on the job.

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Tides of Your Life

I was waiting for the world to come soliciting…to invite, in some imagined way, me to be all that I am, to live boldly and to follow my calling. Is life itself not enough of an invitation? I knew, as the lines of the poem Tides of Your Life by Judith Gass were read aloud, that I must begin today, now, to live my life – and that putting off fully living, as if today is a rehearsal, is wasting beautiful moments and priceless opportunities.

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Stress Rx: 10 Tips for Calm and Ease

If you are feeling overwhelmed, anxious or uncertain and believe that a state of tranquility is out of reach, please consider the following tips for balancing your life. While a more in depth presentation may be valuable, a quick check list of tips to remember on a daily basis can be a life-saver.

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A Lesson from a Duck

I recently visited a lovely local park with a friend who enjoys photography. As we were watching various ducks swim in the pond, bobbing up and down with the small waves and currents, I noticed a young duck asleep in the water, curled into himself, with his tufted head tucked into his body. He bobbed peacefully as the other ducks swam around eagerly, diving for the bits of crackers and popcorn that a nearby group of children were tossing into the water. This simple scene touched me deeply as it was a lesson in trust.

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Why Diets Don’t Work

Why Diets Don’t Work. First of all, a diet is a temporary experience: it does not contribute to a sustainable or a healthy lifestyle. Anytime a person goes “on” a diet, they will go “off” of the diet. More times than not, unhealthy habits will resume. In addition, over 95% of dieters gain the weight back ~ plus more.

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The Yoga of Eating

The Yoga of Eating’s approach is nourishing the natural self, trusting and believing in our wholeness and in our ability to know what is right. This is not a book about nutrition or about how to use will power to conquer personal unhappiness in the area of weight loss. Rather, it is an inspiring and very practical manual offering fresh insights on types of foods, fasting and dieting and, most importantly, the deeper principles of caring for oneself and nourishing oneself.

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Reminder to Meditate

“We live, embrace and put to rest our dearest things, including how we see ourselves, so we can resurrect our lives anew.”

~Mark Nepo

Meditation is the practice of mindfulness, of being present to “now”, this moment, non-judgmentally. It is the practice of meditation that strengthens and anchors the skills of mindfulness, of reducing the stress of bombarding and negative thoughts and feelings.

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Fun, Fresh Air and a Fresh Attitude

Summertime is thought of as being a time for fun, being outdoors, but for many of us, summertime is filled with: work schedules, taking children to camp and tackling home and garden projects.

As a result, we may feel perpetual overwhelm. Perhaps we can view this as a gentle reminder to step outside of our daily routine and experience a little fun, fresh air and

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Is it a Burden or is it a Gift?

I came into the kitchen this morning to find a few slivers of glass on the counter. I asked my house guest if she knew of a glass breaking, wanting to make sure no one had been injured. She was embarrassed and apologetic and explained that she had tried to dry her fingertips on the corner of a towel (which also had a wine glass

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Sweet Poison

Obesity—along with the associated chronic diseases such as diabetes, hypertension and heart disease—has become a national epidemic. And you may be a prime target. Dr. Robert H. Lustig, M.D., Professor of Pediatrics in the Division of Endocrinology at UCSF, explores the damage caused by sugary foods. Recently, a talk he gave called “The Bitter Truth”, was made available on the Internet. Though the date of his presentation is 2009, this information remains timely and important.

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Make Eating Mindful

Practicing mindfulness at mealtimes can help break unhealthful eating patterns and tune into the pleasures that food has to offer. Here are a few of my suggestions to use as guidelines ~ giving your self time and replacing compassion for criticism and joy for judgment.

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Loving Ourselves

Loving ourselves requires courage unlike any other. It asks of us to believe in who we are. It asks us to stay loyal to something no one else can see ~ something that holds our place in the world: our self worth.

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Beware the Magic Button

The media has been abuzz with news that the requirements for qualifying for LAP-BAND®surgery, the original FDA approved adjustable gastric banding device, have been “lowered” – which is truly frightening. A surgical procedure that promises weight loss is often viewed as the magic button or, literally, an overnight solution. Seeking an overnight solution to healthy living is not the answer and it never has been. Too often, there is danger, disappointment and weight regained.

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Ounce of Prevention

National Eating Disorder Week is February 20th through February 26th, 2011. In honor of this significant week (in the U.S.), I am speaking out to parents and loved ones of adolescent aged girls or boys suspected of having an eating disorder. Early detection and treatment is critical to survival of and healing from an eating disorder.

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Life Lessons the Sea Taught Me

The sea is constantly changing: each moment an opportunity

The sea reflects sun, clouds, shallowness and depth: I reflect all that touches me

Azure and turquoise ~ the colors of beauty and clarity: May I live in these colors

Powerful and dangerous is the ocean ~ jumping in I face my fears

The surface is rough yet calm lies below: I need not be

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Let’s Go!

If you are someone who shuns the out-of-doors due to inclement weather and may fear getting wet and cold, why not give outdoor activity a try? Outdoor activity brings greater exposure to health-promoting vitamin D, improved mental functioning and increased compassion.

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