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Much is being written on eating mindfully and, for sure, it is a path that brings healthy results that are sustainable and lifetime oriented. It might be helpful to have a one-page guide…a pocket resource that summarizes the principles of mindful eating. A quick glance can remind you of ‘what to do next’.
Continue reading Mindful Eating: A Pocket Planner
It seems we are a nation of “graspers” and “keepers” … whether it is ideas, opinions, expectations or material goods—I know, I can be one of the greatest at this! With own my life in the midst of huge change, letting go and embracing the unknown, this timely article ‘Let Go of Attachment: You Can Be Happy Even if Things Change’ resonated with me strongly. I hope you’ll give it a read.
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When children hear a derogatory comment made by a woman about her own body several things happen. First there is disbelief. Then there is accepting the statement as true. Then there is a shift in attitude toward the adult figure. She is fat and ugly and adults don’t lie…this must be true. Sometimes there is internalization or taking on the belief oneself: I am fat and ugly or I will be fat and ugly when I grow up. This behavioral pattern can go on for generations.
Continue reading Passing On Body Hatred
The ancient practice of Mindfulness and Mindfulness Meditation – pausing in the midst of life and welcoming stillness, awareness and purposeful attention – affects the entire body, mind and spirit. Learning to be aware of the present moment and how we’re experiencing each moment allows us to look at our lives with new lenses. We realize our thoughts are merely made up constructs of words and have very little truth, if any. We are able to see “what is” more clearly and rather than “react” to life, “respond” to it. The brain changes with each response, becoming more integrated and healthy.
Continue reading Change Your Mind – Change Your Brain – Change Your Body
Even though I’ve been busy writing my next book – on living mindfully – allowing time for exercise remains a priority on my to-do list. I like to take a 40-minute break in the mornings and get on my treadmill for a workout. I typically tune in to the TODAY show and I simply must comment on a recent Kathie Lee & Hoda segment where Joy Bauer was introducing her newest “Joy Fit Club” member, Becky, who had lost 179 pounds. Becky went from 357 pounds down to a “gorgeous” 178 pounds. She appeared to have a warm personality, a sense of humor and a down to earth honesty about her. She seemed very happy with her weight loss AND with having run a half-marathon, crossing the finish line as a “whole new woman” – loved from the inside out. So what’s wrong in this picture?
Continue reading The Joy Fit Club on the TODAY Show
After learning of the Oklahoma tornado devastation, I recalled this poem ‘I Am Looking At Music – Nina’s Poem’. It speaks of expansion and spaciousness of the senses…of imagination and possibility. It speaks of love. So, in light of this recent tragedy, I would like to share it with you.
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Have you ever considered turning off the distractions for ten days? I mean, no talking, no books, no TV or music, no phone or Internet – no outside “noise” whatsoever – instead, committing to silence for ten days. If that sounds too daunting, read on to see why you might want to embrace the power of silence, if even for only a few minutes each day…
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As I sat in the cool evening breeze looking out over the lagoon, I looked back on what I had learned that day. The lessons were simple and sacred and they are: Appreciate the blessing of a smile – and always return one. Value friendship highly – nurture and nourish those you care for. Never forget the importance of family – laugh and hug often. Enjoy the simple pleasures in life – they are everywhere. Always give more than you take – bless others with generosity and graciousness.
Continue reading Simple Happiness
Mindful Minute Monday, 15apr by Lorrie Jones MBSR
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Mindful Minute Monday, 8apr by Lorrie Jones MBSR
Continue reading Mindful Minute Monday, 8apr
Mindful Minute Monday, 1apr by Lorrie Jones MBSR Photo by Kelly Lenihan
Continue reading Mindful Minute Monday, 1apr
Mindful Minute Monday, 25mar by Lorrie Jones MBSR
Continue reading Mindful Minute Monday, 25mar
I recently read the article “How to Be Mindful in an ‘Unmanageable’ World” by Tony Schwartz, CEO and founder of The Energy Project. He discusses the benefits of mindfulness in a busy world – or, as Tony calls it, an “unmanageable world”. There is increasing scientific evidence that a mindfulness practice has many benefits for health and wellness, including in the workplace. In this article, Tony demonstrates how mindfulness can increase productivity and reduce overwhelm.
Continue reading Wisdom in Action
Mindful Minute Monday, 18mar by Lorrie Jones MBSR
Continue reading Mindful Minute Monday, 18mar
Mindful Minute Monday, 11mar by Lorrie Jones MBSR
Continue reading Mindful Minute Monday, 11mar
Mindful Minute Monday, 4mar by Lorrie Jones, MBSR Photo by Kelly Lenihan
Continue reading Mindful Minute Monday, 4mar
Are we still a culture that promotes outward body shape as something we must manipulate (for a high fee) and shave (“safely”) down to something that meets…what: cultural expectations? A media-driven lust for the perfect body? A need for happiness dictated by physical appearance? When will this insanity end? And when will resources that are truly in service to people seeking a more mindful life, one of acceptance, wise choice and wholeness, be more easily obtainable and touted by the media as important…worth pursuing?
Continue reading Outrageous! “Sculpting your body to reshape your life”
Mindful Minute Monday, 25feb by Lorrie Jones MBSR Photo by Kelly Lenihan
Continue reading Mindful Minute Monday, 25feb
Lissa Rankin, M.D., believes healing the mind and being healthy in all aspects of life are essential to true wellness. In her work with patients, she encourages health and authenticity in relationships, work, creative expression, spirituality, sexuality, finances and living environments. She invites her patients to tap into the power of the mind to heal the body and not to settle for merely “well”, but to strive for living a vital, joyful and authentic life – full of happiness, connection and exuberance.
Continue reading Living a Healthy Life
Mindful Minute Monday, 18feb by Lorrie Jones MBSR
Continue reading Mindful Minute Monday, 18feb