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Mindful Minute: Kindness, The Currency of True Wealth by Jim Carrey

I wish people could realize all their dreams of wealth and fame so they can see that it’s not where you’re going to find your sense of completion. The effect you have on others is the most valuable currency there is.
—Jim Carrey

I found this statement by Jim Carrey powerful and reaffirming. For so long I believed I HAD to accomplish great things in order to be complete and whole…worthy…”enough” as I am. Hearing such an amazing man, who has indeed found fame and wealth, say that it doesn’t being happiness is like a healing balm to me. Is it for you? And all the while, the way I treat others (with, hopefully, continual compassion, love and respect) has much more value in life than money or fame. And according to Jim: it is the most valuable currency.

What if we were just a little kinder to one another? What if we put aside our differences and extended warmth and acceptance to others? What if we realized our true wealth is in our own hands and everyday is an opportunity to behave in a truly wealthy manner? Comments, anyone?


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