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Toes in the Mud

I quietly tiptoed out of my grandparents home, dawn’s light just breaking. Green grass still damp with dew, I stopped to listen to beautiful birdsong before continuing my pilgrimage across the lawn. My destination, an old metal faucet that dripped little by little. I dipped my toes in the mud, feeling the squish of cool, slippery earth. Every morning, I snuck out of my grandparents Connecticut home, discovering the delicious sensation anew. I would sit with my eyes closed and enjoy the magical beauty of nature, from the scent of fragrant flowers, to birds greeting the dawn, to the mud caressing my toes. It was a moment of meditative wonder. At six years old, I was on my path to living a mindful life!

toes in the mud

As I reflect on this special childhood memory, I realize it was a peek into the wonderment of a world much bigger than what was immediately in front of me. This particular memory serves as a lifetime reminder that I am but a microcosm of something much grander. Even now, decades later, I am wont to step out into my garden, close my eyes, and connect with the natural world around me and the peace and beauty it infuses into my very soul.

I appreciate this memory and the gift it brings me, over and over. What is your earliest memory of connecting with the healing energy of nature? How does it serve you now?

Interested in learning more about the importance of reconnecting with nature? Check out Rewilding: A Connection to Nature, a wonderfully insightful article to get you started. As well, have fun exploring Arthur Haines and the Delta Institute’s natural history website, it’s fascinating.

If it’s been too long since you nurtured your inner child and dipped your toes in the mud, consider this self-directed 30-day Rewild challenge.

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