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Letting Go of Attachment

It seems we are a nation of “graspers” and “keepers” … whether it is ideas, opinions, expectations or material goods—I know, I can be one of the greatest at this! With own my life in the midst of huge change, letting go and embracing the unknown, this timely article ‘Let Go of Attachment: You Can Be Happy Even if Things Change’ resonated with me strongly. I hope you’ll give it a read.

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I Am Looking At Music – Nina’s Poem

After learning of the Oklahoma tornado devastation, I recalled this poem ‘I Am Looking At Music – Nina’s Poem’. It speaks of expansion and spaciousness of the senses…of imagination and possibility. It speaks of love. So, in light of this recent tragedy, I would like to share it with you.

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Five Tips to Help You Embrace Extreme Change

Sometimes spiritual journeys are not the fuzzy-feely ones we see all too often in modern pop culture, Eat, Pray, Love being one of them. Spiritual journeys can be physically challenging, emotionally daunting, and can require deep inner strength. We live in an ever-changing world, and we need to fine-tune our souls to release inner resistance and fully open to the journey—good, bad, or horrific. Here are five things I’ve learned that help in embracing extreme change

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Book Review: The Book of Awakening

As the holidays are here once again, I am thinking of gratitude and of the many people who inspire me and, through their love and their work in the world, encourage me to live my life from a place of deep appreciation and thankfulness. One of these people is Mark Nepo, poet, philosopher, author and speaker. He is also a man who has been through two cancers in his lifetime and is dedicated to writing from the heart. He has written many books yet the one that has been my daily companion since the late 90’s is The Book of Awakening: Having the Life You Want by Being Present for the Life You Have.

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If I had wings…

I had my wings tuned up recently. First time ever. In fact, it was only this year that I realized I had wings. We all do. I began to suspect this was the case as I found myself yearning for just such a mechanism of escape. I wanted to fly far away. Life was not unfolding according to my script and I was at a crossroads. Trying to make a decision was not working for me, yet I kept forcing myself to choose a path. And then I learned to ask a different question.

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A Small Red Container

My background in this world of “prototype” making combined with mindfulness practices (yoga, meditation, flow in creative processes), eventually led me down an intriguing path where I began to use three-dimensional metaphors when working with clients. For instance rather than traditional business plan templates, I began using clay having clients turn ideas into clay models or metaphors. Often this exercise exposed something new, original and exciting.

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In Savor, world renowned Zen master Thich Nhat Hanh and Harvard nutritionist Dr. Lilian Cheung will guide you through the practice of uniting your body and mind in the present, in order that you may achieve your health and spiritual goals.

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Tides of Your Life

I was waiting for the world to come soliciting…to invite, in some imagined way, me to be all that I am, to live boldly and to follow my calling. Is life itself not enough of an invitation? I knew, as the lines of the poem Tides of Your Life by Judith Gass were read aloud, that I must begin today, now, to live my life – and that putting off fully living, as if today is a rehearsal, is wasting beautiful moments and priceless opportunities.

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The Yoga of Eating

The Yoga of Eating’s approach is nourishing the natural self, trusting and believing in our wholeness and in our ability to know what is right. This is not a book about nutrition or about how to use will power to conquer personal unhappiness in the area of weight loss. Rather, it is an inspiring and very practical manual offering fresh insights on types of foods, fasting and dieting and, most importantly, the deeper principles of caring for oneself and nourishing oneself.

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Life Lessons the Sea Taught Me

The sea is constantly changing: each moment an opportunity

The sea reflects sun, clouds, shallowness and depth: I reflect all that touches me

Azure and turquoise ~ the colors of beauty and clarity: May I live in these colors

Powerful and dangerous is the ocean ~ jumping in I face my fears

The surface is rough yet calm lies below: I need not be

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The Journey

This poem moves me because it speaks to that moment, that day, when we know – it is time – it is our time – to change – to transform. It speaks to that moment when we make the shift of living from heart and walking through an unseen wall into what our future is calling us to do.

“The whole house began to tremble”

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Women, Food and God

Geneen Roth’s book Women, Food and God, is a loving guide, a companion in print, for anyone on the journey to a life well lived, regardless of how long or difficult the path has been. By facing our fears and welcoming obstacles as opportunities, we grow, we heal, and we reconnect with the aliveness and the beauty of who we truly are.

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Forget About Enlightenment

Forget about enlightenment. Sit down wherever you are And listen to the wind that is singing in your veins. Feel the love, the longing, the fear in your bones. Open your heart to who you are, right now, not who you’d like to be, Not the saint you’re striving to become, But the being right here before you, inside you, around you. All of you

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Keeping up with Ms. Jones

Guest post by Kelly Lenihan

I met Lorrie Jones, owner of Simple Serenity and author of this blog, a little over a year ago. A gifted woman with much to share, by knowing her, I have had the privilege of learning what living mindfully truly means. Lorrie is the strongest, most resilient person I have ever met and I am honored to be her friend.

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I saw an eagle this morning He appeared unannounced, gliding majestically across the dull, gray sky

I couldn’t look away

Proud and in charge…an invisible pattern of glide Knowing this forever

I was drawn powerlessly to his presence

I noticed how unaffected he was by error Diving to catch his nourishment Missing his prey again and again

Patient, focused, intentional and beautiful in his display

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