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I saw an eagle this morning He appeared unannounced, gliding majestically across the dull, gray sky

I couldn’t look away

Proud and in charge…an invisible pattern of glide Knowing this forever

I was drawn powerlessly to his presence

I noticed how unaffected he was by error Diving to catch his nourishment Missing his prey again and again

Patient, focused, intentional and beautiful in his display

Continue reading Freedom

Six Essential Tools for Attracting Abundanceand Well-Being

  • Create a vision of being “there”: what will your vision look like, feel like, smell like, taste like and sound like? Act as if your image is happening now.
  • Identify goals, objectives and tasks: remember to break goals down into small steps and tasks with a time line, including objectives reached.
  • Take charge: set a schedule for personal projects and daily living and a

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