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Excerpt from 21 Days of Parenting Mindfully: Your Guide to Raising a Conscious Child by Lorrie Jones, p. 108
When we become parents, we bring issues from our past that will influence the way we lead and parent our child. Experiences that have not been fully dealt with or that remain in our memory, on some level, determine to a large extent our behavior with
Continue reading Your Childhood Experiences Impact How You Parent Today
I am thrilled to share some exciting news with you: I have THREE NEW BOOKS available now on Amazon: 21 Days of Living Mindfully, 21 Days of Parenting Mindfully, and 21 Days of Eating Mindfully (3rd ed with new sections and updated information)! As you make your way through the guidebooks, you are invited to record your daily thoughts, reflections, and self-discoveries in a lovely
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This post is part of the Empowering the Goddess Within Blog Tour hosted by BraveHealer.com! To read more entries and potentially win a fun prize, visit the tour page HERE, between September 9th and September 19th!
They say that when an untrusting horse, after much despair and distress, finally feels safe with a human being, the moment is called “joining up”. As I completed research
Continue reading The Jean Whisperer
“Do not teach your children never to be angry; teach them how to be angry.” —Lyman Abbott
I was 5 years old standing in line for recess. My coat was on, scarf and mittens in place. Suddenly my body hurled forward from the momentum of a tremendous shove from behind. As I crashed into a table and chair, I was momentarily stunned with shock What
Continue reading Kindergarten Bully
Mindfulness is a practice that individuals and groups can do on a day-to-day basis. It can enable people to change the way they think and feel about their experiences, especially stressful experiences. As a mind-body approach, it can increase one’s ability to manage difficult situations and make wise choices.
A growing body of evidence has found that when people intentionally practice being mindful they feel
Continue reading Case Study: A Mindfulness Based Approach to Stress Reduction
“It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; … who at the best knows in the end the triumph
Continue reading Review: Daring Greatly by Dr. Brené Brown
Sometimes we forget about ourselves, taking care of our own needs last, if at all. Isn’t it time you committed to your health and self-care? A great place to start is to ask yourself the following key questions:
And how to stop doing that.
You might not think you have a morning ritual, but you do.
“I didn’t get enough sleep.”
“I don’t have enough time.”
According to Lynne Twist, author of The Soul of Money, we unwittingly think those two scarcity-themed thoughts every single day, before we do or think about anything else:
“Before we even sit up in bed,
Continue reading Two Toxic Thoughts You Accidentally Think Every Day
I dug excitedly into the soil, carefully dropping two tomato starts into the holes. I gently covered the roots, watered, and clapped my hands in glee. I knew I’d soon have gorgeous, plump, juicy red tomatoes, just like my dear friend Jane’s.
I did everything I was supposed to…I thought.
Although I watered faithfully, it wasn’t long before I realized the tomato plants were looking
Continue reading My Big Red Tomato, Not!
I quietly tiptoed out of my grandparents home, dawn’s light just breaking. Green grass still damp with dew, I stopped to listen to beautiful birdsong before continuing my pilgrimage across the lawn. My destination, an old metal faucet that dripped little by little. I dipped my toes in the mud, feeling the squish of cool, slippery earth. Every morning, I snuck out of my grandparents
Continue reading Toes in the Mud
“It was a quiet morning, the town covered over with darkness and at ease in bed. Summer gathered in the weather, the wind had the proper touch, the breathing of the world was long and slow. You had only to rise, lean from your window and know that his indeed was the first real time of freedom and living, this was the first morning of
Continue reading Dandelion Wine: Summer Memories
She was up at dawn preparing bacon and eggs, fresh fruit: the smell of fresh bread baking, like the bright sun shining in the early morning, was indescribable in its evocation of innocence and delight. We spent summers there, my sisters and I, in my grandmother’s kitchen, deep in the heart of Connecticut. Life was good, the days rich with the bounty of summer and
Continue reading In My Grandmother’s Kitchen
“Whether you think you can or you think you can’t, you’re right.” Henry Ford
April Fools’ Day, recognized worldwide and sometimes referred to as All Fools’ Day, is widely celebrated as a day that tolerates practical jokes and general foolishness. In fact, the earliest recorded association between April 1st and foolishness can be found in Chaucer’s Canterbury Tales (1392), so the celebration has been with
Continue reading Changing Your Story
“Compassion is a skill that we get better at with practice. It just takes a little imagination.”
—Karen Armstrong, theologian
There are many prescriptions for combating poverty, but we can’t even get started unless we first examine our assumptions, and take the time to envision what the world feels like for families living in poverty every day. It’s time to change the conversation about poverty
Continue reading Understanding Poverty Through the Lens of Compassion
It happens every time I teach mindfulness meditation: someone thinks they’ve done it “wrong”. I don’t mean “wrong” in my opinion, but in theirs. Somewhere, somehow, people have gotten the idea that meditation is some magical state, achieved by the most perfect of meditators, where the mind is blank and absolutely everything is tranquil and calm. Have you ever had this thought or experienced what
Continue reading Beginner’s Mind
National Eating Disorders Awareness Week is February 26th through March 4th, 2017. The goal of this week is to shine the spotlight on eating disorders and put life-saving resources in the hands of those in need. The theme this year is: It’s Time to Talk About It. In honor of this important week, I would like to share my own story with you.
Allow me
Continue reading National Eating Disorder Awareness Week: It’s Time to Talk About It!
“Mimi, look! These thorns have a rose on the end!!” —Lauren Smith, age 4
While similar words were stated quite eloquently in the 19th century by French poet Jean-Baptiste Alphonse Karr, “Some people are always grumbling that roses have thorns. I am thankful that thorns have roses,” my granddaughter, Lauren, had never heard the words of the poet when she uttered her discovery and delight.
Continue reading A Daily Practice of Gratitude
“Our time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life. Don’t be trapped by dogma — which is living with the results of other people’s thinking. Don’t let the noise of other’s opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else
Continue reading One Word: Courage
My life didn’t go exactly as I planned it – but does anyone’s? That’s a Detour.
“A Detourist travels along detours – simple enough. But in addition, a Detourist embraces those unexpected routes as opportunities for growth, change and self-fulfillment. I hope to serve as living proof that a detour can lead to unexpected blessings. Because of my Detour, I’ve learned so much about myself,
Continue reading TED Talk: Follow Your Road, Find Your Flower
Guest post by Leo Babauta, Zen Habits
Lately I’ve been using the image of an empty cup to find a more peaceful state of mind.
One of the most peaceful, meditative states is when you’re just open to noticing what’s around you and happening in the present moment. You’re just receiving the world around you (yourself included), soaking in the light, colors, shapes, sounds, touch
Continue reading Soaking in the Wonder of the Emerging Moment